let me give you some further examples of the work:

One of the bases in our understanding of strategy is the understanding of the "schools". See Henry Mintzberg and/or Strategy Safari for further details. The following presentation shows an overview to the schools and is used in several lectures.
Download: Die 10 Schulen der Strategie

Intercultural Change Management - as mentioned before - is one of our main topics currently in making an international organization effective - abstract (German) to the
IACCM Conference and CEMS Doctoral Seminar 2009: Cross Cultural Competence: Knowledge Migration, Communication and Value Change
(see also: IACCM as well EJCCM).
Download: IACCM - Intercultural Change Management

Mergers and Acquisitions - how to survive them ?
The publication "Tales of A Merger Survivor" by Fink/Dauber is based on these findings.
Download: How to survive mergers

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www.unterwalcher.com Dr. Harald Unterwalcher, MBA