EXAMPLES - Innovation Climate Questionair 

Additionally to the Handy/Harrison Test you can use the ICQ (Innovation Climate Questionair)to gather a rough view on how your organization supports innovative ideas. This was developed by G.&E. Pinchot(see Pinchot.com).
The main idea is to measure somehow the intrapreneurial power of a company.

You can download this questionair either via ICQ @ Infopoll or use the
Download: Download: ICQ document

The important next step is the comparison to other companies as well to the 8 key facts of installing Intrapreneurship in a company:
  1. Establishing an intrapreneurial culture
  2. Developing an intrapreneurial climate
  3. Developing intrapreneurial leaders
  4. Using the Intrapreneurship Formula COC² 
  5. Developing an intrapreneurial organization
  6. Outlining criteria for evaluating intrapreneurial proposals
  7. Overcoming barrier to Intrapreneurship, and
  8. Recognizing indicators of an intrapreneurial climate in an organization
 For further examples see: Further Examples
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www.unterwalcher.com Dr. Harald Unterwalcher, MBA