EXAMPLES - Handy/Harrison 

Usually it is very time consuming and costly to evaluation the company / organizational unit culture. Many experts are involved and it could be (expectedly as well planned) irritating.

Handy/Harrison provided a simple form of at least indicating which cultural direction a organizational unit is following.

Please have for example a look at: Organizational Culture
as well a comparison (German) at:
Download: Download: Comparison

If you want to measure your culture you issue the questionair:
i.e. Handy/Harrison questionair (in German)

and after receiving the answers and calculation e.g. the average over all received data, you could get such a diagram:
Download: Download: Handy/Harrison diagramm

and start with the interpretation.

Typical questions:
  • Preferred culture is totally different to the assumed culture. Why? 
  • What are the significant differences?
  • Why is e.g. the task oriented culture preferred ?
For the Innovation Climate Questionair see ICQ page.  
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www.unterwalcher.com Dr. Harald Unterwalcher, MBA